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Student: Marketing and Studio Art

Summary of skills in the Graphic Design field:

>   Web design


>   VBScript

>   Microsoft Suite

>   Adobe Creative Suite

View details on the Graphic Design page.

I have used graphic design softwares to create works that I would usually do with traditional media. Adobe Creative Suite and Corel Painter have not been limited to ad or marketing related works for my experience, they have been used to create traditional type of works as well. I have not let the fact that professional software has not always been available to me be a let down by always trying to attain the same goal using the sources that are available to me (ex, creating simple website designs and elements using Microsoft PowerPoint).

I have had the opportunity to work on different types of projects for the core classes required for a Business Bachelor. Some of these projects have given me not just project-oriented skills but also experience and exposure to different types of team members and participants that can vary across classes, projects, and even one-on-one interactions in the job field.


Experience that let's me put together my development over the past three years in college into a visual display. By combining the knowledge I have gained through the liberal studies offered and required by Augustana College, this portfolio shows my development in gaining a better understanding of not just myself but how I view others. Visit the Studio Art page to view my artist statement and portfolio.

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